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Otaku Monthly Favourites: October - January

It's been a while - but I'm back now. And welcome to Otaku Monthly Favourites! I think we need a new name though... anyone with a be...

Sunday 21 August 2016


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This is my second post today, but you can just ignore it. It's for my Bloglovin account.

Otaku Monthly Favourites: August

I know it's a bit early to be doing a monthly favourites for August, but oh well. I'll just introduce this feature that might be in my blog more.
Also, I do know a YouTuber who does this, no I am not her, yes I did copy it.

Basically, Otaku Monthly Favourites will run either at the beginning or near the end of each month - probably at the end, since then I'll have had a month to decide on what I like the best. Then I'll write a post about the things that I want to introduce you to, and I'll try to decide on an absolute favourite. That favourite will then be the background of this blog until I put up another monthly favourites. I might use the same anime or manga depending on what I get in to that month, but mostly it should be different. I'll introduce 3 - 5 different things each time. I don't really have any kind of structure for this, so what I introduce you to could be anime, manga, a game, a book, a film, a YouTuber, merchandise...
So that's what Otaku Monthly Favourites is! Now into the post.

This month I discovered an animu, and I love it. It's called No Game No Life, and I'm actually listening to a 1 hour version of the opening! Here's a a little trailer but I'm not sure if it's official or fanmade. Since it doesn't really explain a lot about the anime, I'll tell you about it.
It's about two siblings, Shiro and Sora, who live in Tokyo (naturally). They're experts at all types of games (not just video games) and are both extremely intelligent, so they often win with ease. One day, they're transported to a fantasy world where all conflicts are resolved by playing games. Of course, this animu is already quite famous, despite having only 12 episodes. A film is being made, season two is supposed to be coming out, and there's been a manga adaptation. So, yeah.

But how did I watch it, you ask? I also found a great animu streaming site, called Crunchyroll. I knew it existed, but I didn't know that I didn't have to sign up. With a few ads, you can stream animu absolutely free with some (OK, quite a lot) ads. When you're watching an anime on it, there will be a thing on the side prompting you to start a free 15 day trial. It says you have to sign in to watch the full episode, but it actually means that you have to sign in to watch it ad-free.

Another thing I like is Pokemon GO, and if you haven't heard of this, then where have you been? I'll explain it anyway. Basically, you walk around the world, and your phone uses GPS to move your avatar around. Different areas have different Pokemon in them which you can catch with pokeballs you pick up from pokestops, which are located in various places, i.e. shops and parks. Trailer.

The final thing I'll be introducing you to is a manga called Manga Dogs by Ema Toyama. It's about an extremely introverted 15-year-old who already has her own series running, but it's at the bottom of the rankings. At the same time, she's in a manga major at school, but there are only 3 other students in it, and they're all wannabe-artists, who have never drawn a thing in their life. I find this easy to relate to, and it's really funny!

Now for my absolute favourite of this month.
I would like for it to be a tie between No Game No Life and Manga Dogs, but I can only choose one. For now I think No Game No Life is the winner, but I might re-introduce Manga Dogs in a future Otaku Monthly Favourites! It really was very close, but until the next Monthly Favourites, you'll be able to see a picture of No Game No Life.

Stay Otaku!

Saturday 20 August 2016


Hello, and welcome to my very first blog post!
I'm just one of the many otakus in the world who decided to write a blog: I'm an otaku girl with an otaku blog. That's all you need to know. But, just for the fun of it, I'm going to make myself a mini 'profile' right here so you know what to expect from me.

Status in the animu community: OK, so I'm just a newbie in the animu community, but I like it just the same. I mostly read more manga than I watch animu.

Favourite mangas: Madoka Magica and Arisa

Favourite animus: Himouto! Umaru Chan and No Game No Life

Least favourite manga: Naussicaa of the Valley of the Wind (I like the film though)

Least favoutite animu: To be honest, I haven't watched enough animu yet to decide.

Favourite normal TV shows: Castle and Raised by Wolves

Favourite Animu film: My Neighbor Totoro

Favourite music: No Game No Life opening song and any Walk Off The Earth original songs

Well, now you know what to expect, I hope you stick around until I post something else.
See ya next post.