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Otaku Monthly Favourites: October - January

It's been a while - but I'm back now. And welcome to Otaku Monthly Favourites! I think we need a new name though... anyone with a be...

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Lazy Otaku Halloween Costumes

Hiya :) have you missed me?
I'm currently working on the Otaku Monthly Favourites (October) and I'm trying to be more active etc....

Anyways, jumping right in, I am a very lazy otaku, and I'm pretty sure there are many others out there who are dreading Halloween costume-wise. How do you dress up uniquely, while incorporating your love of Japan and anime, while still being at least slightly recognisably? It took me a very long time browsing through the internet (ah, the wonderful internet) before realising that all the costume ideas I found were either completely pointless or required spending a lot of money.
So I took it upon myself to write a (hopefully) useful blog post with easy Halloween costumes.

1. Kiki (Kiki's Delivery Service)
There are many times I've dressed up as Kiki (and just as many I've been mistaken for a normal witch) but that's alright really. As long as you and any other Otakus who have braved the outside world on Halloween know who you are, there isn't a lot more you can ask for. All you need is a navy or dark purple dress, a brooms, and a huge red bow. And if you want to go crazy, you could even get a black cat teddy thing to stick to the broom. A pink shoulder bag would be useful too.

Image result for kiki kiki's delivery service

2. Plusle and Minun (Pokemon)
Who doesn't like Plusle and Minun? There are also so many gijinka (see this post and scroll down for more info https://otaku--on.blogspot.co.uk/2016/09/pokemon-gijinka.html ) to choose to cosplay from. All that's really compulsory is the ears, the tail and the cheeks. Grab a friend, brother, sister, anyone, force them into an (almost) identical outfit, and you're done! This requires a bit more cosplay experience - I would have been working on it if it was easier - but I'm sure someone out there will have enough commitment to do this one.

Image result for plusle and minunImage result for plusle and minun gijinka

3. No Face (Spirited Away)
This is my personal favourite, and what I will be on Halloween. No Face is just so cute! All you have to wear is all black, a black hoodie, and a mask (which, granted, could be hard to get your hands on). Even if you're not in the anime community, most people have seen the masterpiece Spirited Away, or at least heard of it. Before I'd seen it, I knew that No Face was phenomenally cute. You don't even need to talk if you're No Face, and that's a relief for introverted people like me. All you have to say is 'ah, ah'.
Image result for no faceImage result for no face

4. Ditto (Pokemon)
I think this is possibly the easiest costume on here. Just put a sticky note on your forehead saying 'Ditto' - anime fans should get it.
Image result for dittoImage result for ditto

So that's all I've got for now! Hopefully this gave you some inspiration for a Halloween costume that you can wear without putting too much effort into. See you next post!

Saturday 1 October 2016

Otaku Monthly Favourites: September

Why hello
Have you missed me? Well I suppose I haven't been gone THAT long.
Anyway. if you're new around here (though I doubt it), and you don't know how this works, basically I introduce you to 3 - 5 otaku things that I enjoyed and would like to share with you.
Anyways, lets be getting on with things. Please note that there will be spoilers.

1. RE:Zero
This is a very dark anime, but I loved it. It's basically about a guy (Natsuki Subaru) who is transported to another dimension, where demi-humans and -elves etcetera are commonplace. He finds out that when he dies in this universe, he can 'Return by Death' to a 'checkpoint' that he got to in his last life. Just to let you know, my favourite character is Crusch-sama.

2. Mystic Messenger
This otome game (aimed at people of the female animal kingdom) is just amazing. It's my first ever otome game, and I was scared to play it at first, but now I think it could be the best app out there. In the game, you download a messenger app, and then you basically have to try and go out with one of the people in the game. Unfortunately, so far I haven't been able to get a good end (with 3 bad ends) but I'm still going! You also have to play it in real time, which can be a setback for people who go to classes, work, sleep and basically live as a normal human being. One more thing on the subject: the free period is ending soon, so if you want to download it for free, I recommend doing it soon.

3. This Umaru Chan hoodie
I don't actually own one of these yet, but I really wish I did. It's so unique, and the fabric looks very high quality. I also bought an Umaru Chan backpack from the same people making these, and I was very happy with it - you can see my description and review below!

4. This Umaru Chan bag
Those who read my description above will know that this is from the same company who made the Umaru Chan hoodie. I bought this bag for the coming school year, and so far I am very happy with it. It has a lot  of pockets, and is like the tardis - bigger on the inside than the outside, which I like. It also came with what looked like two trading cards of Ebina and Kirie as magical girls, which was a great bonus. I think this is definitely worth the price it's going for. Oh, and one more thing, Umaru's hair is white on the actual bag. It doesn't make a huge difference, but if you're picky about these things you might be annoyed.

Well, that's all from me for this month. I'll try to post again before the end of October, but I can't guarantee it. Also, if you could think of a new name for these posts instead of 'Otaku Monthly Favourites', please comment it down below! I'd really appreciate it, because I really don't think this name is very catchy.

See ya!

Thursday 15 September 2016

How to be Otaku (even in the hardest circumstances)

Well, now that the academic year has begun yet again (at least it has in Britain) and you're all settled back in to whatever job or school you may or may not be going to, you're probably wondering how on earth you're going to stay true to your otaku self with all those biased and judgemental people around you.
Well, never fear - I am here! And I (the wonderful lifesaving otaku so-and-so you all know and love) have compiled a list of things that you can do to stay up to date with the otaku community - without coming across as a weeaboo.
I now present... THE LIST!

1. Keep up to date with GoBoiano
It's great for staying up to date with almost everything anime, and you can post stuff yourself. Not only that, but there's an app you can download for on the go!

2. Download the Crunchyroll app. 
Obviously you can see if there's an app for whatever streaming site you use, but I can't guarantee that there will be one, or that it'll be any good. I'd just stick to Crunchyroll if I were you. With this app, you can watch anime anywhere (well, provided that there's internet).

3. Try your hand at drawing manga
Even if you're not much of an artist, there are plenty of tutorials out there. Who knows? Maybe you'll eventually become an internet art sensation. But even you're only tracing, things like that are bound to get noticed by other otakus and anime fans.

4. Browse through the many manga artists on social media. 
There are loads of people on Instagram, DeviantArt (well duh) and Facebook that draw manga. My personal favourite is Otakupup.

5. Play Neko Atsume
Do I really need to explain this one?

Well, there you have it. The list of ideas to stay otaku for the coming year.
Image result for otakuUntil next time,
Stay otaku.

Pokemon Gijinka

Hi, hello, yes I know I've been gone for a while, but I'm back now, yada yada yada. Today I'm talking about a little thing called Pokemon gijinka.

Well, we all know what Pokemon are - and if you don't then I guess you'd better update yourself. The other term we might not be familiar with is gijinka. Now, if you didn't bother clicking the link I just put in, then you won't know that gijinka are extremely cute. You will also be wondering why I don't just tell you what they are myself - which, to be honest, I am too.
So here it is, folks - gijinka 101.

Basically, a gijinka is a non-human thing drawn as a human. Therefore, Pokemon gijinka must be Pokemon drawn as human. And it's that simple.

I've tried my hand at gijinka. It's surprisingly addictive. See my DeviantArt profile to find my latest gijinka, and other manga art as well.

Now that I've inspired you on Otaku Online, go forth and be the gijinka drawing trainer you know you were always meant to be - even if you aren't the best at drawing. Send them to me via DevianArt, or link a drawing to me in the comments!

Sunday 21 August 2016


<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/18200549/?claim=bbwwahrtpq9">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

This is my second post today, but you can just ignore it. It's for my Bloglovin account.

Otaku Monthly Favourites: August

I know it's a bit early to be doing a monthly favourites for August, but oh well. I'll just introduce this feature that might be in my blog more.
Also, I do know a YouTuber who does this, no I am not her, yes I did copy it.

Basically, Otaku Monthly Favourites will run either at the beginning or near the end of each month - probably at the end, since then I'll have had a month to decide on what I like the best. Then I'll write a post about the things that I want to introduce you to, and I'll try to decide on an absolute favourite. That favourite will then be the background of this blog until I put up another monthly favourites. I might use the same anime or manga depending on what I get in to that month, but mostly it should be different. I'll introduce 3 - 5 different things each time. I don't really have any kind of structure for this, so what I introduce you to could be anime, manga, a game, a book, a film, a YouTuber, merchandise...
So that's what Otaku Monthly Favourites is! Now into the post.

This month I discovered an animu, and I love it. It's called No Game No Life, and I'm actually listening to a 1 hour version of the opening! Here's a a little trailer but I'm not sure if it's official or fanmade. Since it doesn't really explain a lot about the anime, I'll tell you about it.
It's about two siblings, Shiro and Sora, who live in Tokyo (naturally). They're experts at all types of games (not just video games) and are both extremely intelligent, so they often win with ease. One day, they're transported to a fantasy world where all conflicts are resolved by playing games. Of course, this animu is already quite famous, despite having only 12 episodes. A film is being made, season two is supposed to be coming out, and there's been a manga adaptation. So, yeah.

But how did I watch it, you ask? I also found a great animu streaming site, called Crunchyroll. I knew it existed, but I didn't know that I didn't have to sign up. With a few ads, you can stream animu absolutely free with some (OK, quite a lot) ads. When you're watching an anime on it, there will be a thing on the side prompting you to start a free 15 day trial. It says you have to sign in to watch the full episode, but it actually means that you have to sign in to watch it ad-free.

Another thing I like is Pokemon GO, and if you haven't heard of this, then where have you been? I'll explain it anyway. Basically, you walk around the world, and your phone uses GPS to move your avatar around. Different areas have different Pokemon in them which you can catch with pokeballs you pick up from pokestops, which are located in various places, i.e. shops and parks. Trailer.

The final thing I'll be introducing you to is a manga called Manga Dogs by Ema Toyama. It's about an extremely introverted 15-year-old who already has her own series running, but it's at the bottom of the rankings. At the same time, she's in a manga major at school, but there are only 3 other students in it, and they're all wannabe-artists, who have never drawn a thing in their life. I find this easy to relate to, and it's really funny!

Now for my absolute favourite of this month.
I would like for it to be a tie between No Game No Life and Manga Dogs, but I can only choose one. For now I think No Game No Life is the winner, but I might re-introduce Manga Dogs in a future Otaku Monthly Favourites! It really was very close, but until the next Monthly Favourites, you'll be able to see a picture of No Game No Life.

Stay Otaku!

Saturday 20 August 2016


Hello, and welcome to my very first blog post!
I'm just one of the many otakus in the world who decided to write a blog: I'm an otaku girl with an otaku blog. That's all you need to know. But, just for the fun of it, I'm going to make myself a mini 'profile' right here so you know what to expect from me.

Status in the animu community: OK, so I'm just a newbie in the animu community, but I like it just the same. I mostly read more manga than I watch animu.

Favourite mangas: Madoka Magica and Arisa

Favourite animus: Himouto! Umaru Chan and No Game No Life

Least favourite manga: Naussicaa of the Valley of the Wind (I like the film though)

Least favoutite animu: To be honest, I haven't watched enough animu yet to decide.

Favourite normal TV shows: Castle and Raised by Wolves

Favourite Animu film: My Neighbor Totoro

Favourite music: No Game No Life opening song and any Walk Off The Earth original songs

Well, now you know what to expect, I hope you stick around until I post something else.
See ya next post.