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Tuesday 25 October 2016

Lazy Otaku Halloween Costumes

Hiya :) have you missed me?
I'm currently working on the Otaku Monthly Favourites (October) and I'm trying to be more active etc....

Anyways, jumping right in, I am a very lazy otaku, and I'm pretty sure there are many others out there who are dreading Halloween costume-wise. How do you dress up uniquely, while incorporating your love of Japan and anime, while still being at least slightly recognisably? It took me a very long time browsing through the internet (ah, the wonderful internet) before realising that all the costume ideas I found were either completely pointless or required spending a lot of money.
So I took it upon myself to write a (hopefully) useful blog post with easy Halloween costumes.

1. Kiki (Kiki's Delivery Service)
There are many times I've dressed up as Kiki (and just as many I've been mistaken for a normal witch) but that's alright really. As long as you and any other Otakus who have braved the outside world on Halloween know who you are, there isn't a lot more you can ask for. All you need is a navy or dark purple dress, a brooms, and a huge red bow. And if you want to go crazy, you could even get a black cat teddy thing to stick to the broom. A pink shoulder bag would be useful too.

Image result for kiki kiki's delivery service

2. Plusle and Minun (Pokemon)
Who doesn't like Plusle and Minun? There are also so many gijinka (see this post and scroll down for more info https://otaku--on.blogspot.co.uk/2016/09/pokemon-gijinka.html ) to choose to cosplay from. All that's really compulsory is the ears, the tail and the cheeks. Grab a friend, brother, sister, anyone, force them into an (almost) identical outfit, and you're done! This requires a bit more cosplay experience - I would have been working on it if it was easier - but I'm sure someone out there will have enough commitment to do this one.

Image result for plusle and minunImage result for plusle and minun gijinka

3. No Face (Spirited Away)
This is my personal favourite, and what I will be on Halloween. No Face is just so cute! All you have to wear is all black, a black hoodie, and a mask (which, granted, could be hard to get your hands on). Even if you're not in the anime community, most people have seen the masterpiece Spirited Away, or at least heard of it. Before I'd seen it, I knew that No Face was phenomenally cute. You don't even need to talk if you're No Face, and that's a relief for introverted people like me. All you have to say is 'ah, ah'.
Image result for no faceImage result for no face

4. Ditto (Pokemon)
I think this is possibly the easiest costume on here. Just put a sticky note on your forehead saying 'Ditto' - anime fans should get it.
Image result for dittoImage result for ditto

So that's all I've got for now! Hopefully this gave you some inspiration for a Halloween costume that you can wear without putting too much effort into. See you next post!

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